Thursday, November 11, 2010

Subjected Perspective

From below: Everything appears freakishly large from the bottom, like a world distorted from behind rippled glass -  an exploded fish eye lens. At the bottom of the pool, I observe scenes in blue tinted swirls, balloon heads and duck feet. Muffled voices, piercing screams turn to metallic squeaks. Movement is walking through mud, gravity is strong, so heavy - UNDER PRESSURE.  I'm ready to go up for air and spring forth , where breathing is easy and my voice can ring out in true tones.

On the surface:  The ocean is beautiful, raw and tricky, seducing me. Love, when the current pulls me quickly toward my desired destination. The liquid road throws a glassy wave and I surf even further, elated and filled with joy - ride the wave and sing praises into the wind. As quickly as I was seduced, the wave drops me, the current sucks me down into a dangerous vortex, a downward spiral. The fight begins - survival instincts, keen eyes, quick reactions, narrow escape. Now, I ride my vessel with caution. Some days are smooth sailing, enough wind to move and enjoy the ride. Other days, pure survival as the weather bears relentless peaks of waves and the clouds gather, unleashing furious storms. Some days the sun bears down on a calm, windless ocean, and the vessel moves only through its own strength and will. The liquid road is an adventure but I know that my destination is on land.

On land: The ground provides bearing, balance and shelter. The weather still affects my days but I can hold steady and use the tools the land provides. The land is diverse and nature speaks another language here. Each place has its own dialect, rules, and creatures. When the land is divided, so am I. Here there are many obstacles. The trees, the hills, the ravines all have there own challenges, their own bends, barriers, and puzzles to unfold and unlock before passing to the next . There is a mountain in the distance, my heart says climb it, my mind in a whiny little voice says its impossibly tall.

Climbing the mountain: Standing at the base, in fear and awe of its massive beauty. I plan my ascension carefully...

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