Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Finding peace in an ambient storm - hold shelter in my heart - close the ears to the thunder in the closing distance, or distance the closing thunder ... focus inside to the quiet place that can burn out the roaring madness.

Monday, March 18, 2013

truth is truth

Truth is truth - just as the supreme creator provided the sun light, trees and water. As humans we view from different eyes and interpret the same reality in different ways, this is art. It is in our nature to want to shelter our fellow loved ones from the pains of life, to predict outcomes in order to prevent their suffering. Sometimes the risk of pain is necessary to learn life's greatest lessons. An artist is often a vessel who understands through experience the power and beauty of the world through its greatest contrasts and thus creates art that echoes that experience. I understand who I am and believe in the highest form of myself and my fellow humans in this life - i believe we are all evolving into better versions of ourselves everyday. I believe in you and hope that you believe in me. Let's spread love and not fear or suspicion. Much love to all on this blessed day.

Where time bends endlessly

In the days when sunlight fades to darkness
and time bends endlessly
While hallucinations are oscillations
on a pattern broken patchwork of alternate realities
Bending pitch at the corona of projection
bares a peak into the threads that hold the veil before our senses
Lets ride with the dream-weavers in the ethers
where matter is conceived
let's breath in the spaces between particles and waves
let's be lucid creators in sound scape harmonies
lets tune the strings of all that exists to spirit song
and hum with the essence of anomalies