Monday, September 20, 2010

Company I Keep

Scenario: I passed my shiny ball to a friend, a hopeful, smiled joyfully as it bounced back a couple times. I passed the ball and looked on as my hopeful candidate dropped the ball several times, grew distracted and quit playing. I tried to juggle on my own, knowing well that if I stopped the balls would vanish. My arms grew tired. I watched the game die, the balls perish. Sad and disappointed, I put the game away and started walking backwards. 

It is essential to have people around you who inspire you. 

So many art movements were created not by a single entity but through a dialogue between fellow artists bouncing off ideas, energies, research, discussions, styles, and techniques. So lets say inspiration is in the form of a ball or several balls that must constantly stay in motion or they parish. Rarely is there a single person juggling balls - catching and throwing at herself into eternity. Lone juggler, ugh. A better picture is a dynamic created by a pair, then a group forming a circle perhaps passing balls, tossing throwing, catching and bouncing around and around for a shared experience, a game. Jogar like the roda in capoeira.  The game is the key, taking turns and keeping the motion going, building up the energy, making rhythms, all in life = the game of life.

Constant motion is important. The laws of inertia apply to inspiration. Energy like light can be carried in a wave. In this game called inspiration - motion must have momentum, to gain momentum there must be motivation.No one player alone can be solely responsible for motivating other players in times of need. That is why it is vital that one keeps the right company. If you see that a player keeps dropping the ball and won't or can't contribute to the game, they need to get out of the circle. The circle is the place where inspiration moves, where the energy and momentum keep going, and the people the players keep flowing.

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