Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Last night, I was once again inspired by the wise and impassioned words of my Mestre.
In his shouted speech he told us not to waste time planning for tomorrow, not to wait to do what we can do now. He said get up and move - do what needs to be done, NOW. Now, today is our time. So with two feet planted together we all in variable explosions went from lying position, rocked our bodies up-feet under buttocks, arms thrusting us forward, we stood, jumped, and pulled our knees toward our chests in mid-air.

So, here is my view. NOW, because the mind likes to trick you into thinking that thinking is a sufficient and productive act.  But those stuck in their minds just atrophy in life. If you aren't out there risking embarrassment and failure, then you have no chance to succeed. That is why - I exclaim that I will be a doer, a shaker and a mover. Not just a thinker and a talker. I know that I am great at coming up with ideas and talking about them, but shit that train doesn't take you off the track. I am sick and tired of being a survivor. I know I can survive and make it in the world.

I will work to fit into my new identity move from surviving - being able to eat, clothe and shelter myself - I will actualize my dreams, my goals. I will be successful. I will rise above the  line from A to B, eat sleep shit and work in someone else's job structure. I will create my own way to love what I do and get fucking paid for it, and paid well.

With that said, I'm going to work on some T-shirt designs. LOVE, INSPIRE, LIVE and get that ass moving.

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